One evening in a parking lot outside a grocery store, a client went over to see if a driver needed help with a car alarm. The driver responded angrily. A heated exchange resulted in a fistfight. The parties were separated. But the troubles hadn't quite ended. Driving away from the parking lot, the client looked into the rear view mirror. He saw his eye start to swollen shut. Upset that he was punched for just trying to help, he returned to the scene. The two started fighting again. However, this time the client found himself face down, being punched in the back and side, eventually suffering three broken ribs. In response, the client opened his Swiss Army knife and stabbed the driver four times in the chest. The client was charged with 1st Degree Assault with a deadly weapon. The jury considered the plea of self-defense and returned a verdict of not guilty of 1st Degree Assault.