Filing for Immediate Restraining Orders in King County

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Filing for Immediate Restraining Orders in King County
Written By: Josh Lowell ~ 9/23/2024


When navigating a complex family law case in King County, you may find yourself in a situation where immediate court intervention is necessary. In such cases, filing an emergency motion, specifically a Motion for an Immediate Restraining Order, may be your best option. These motions allow you to quickly seek the court’s protection when urgent matters arise, such as domestic violence, child endangerment, or the risk of irreparable harm.

Understanding Emergency Motions

In King County, emergency motions are handled differently than standard family law motions. If the need for court action is urgent and cannot wait for the traditional notice period, you may request an emergency hearing, which can be scheduled for short notice or even the same day, depending on the circumstances.

here are two types of emergency motions:

  • Same-Day Motions: If the need for a court order is immediate, such as in cases involving physical safety or severe financial issues, a same-day motion may be filed. These are often handled ex parte, meaning the other party does not need to be present at the hearing. This type of motion can lead to an immediate restraining order, providing fast protection.

  • Normal Emergency Hearings: When the issue is urgent but not critical enough for same-day intervention, a standard emergency hearing may be scheduled. This typically happens within a few days and allows both parties to present their arguments before the court.

Note that under either scenario you must provide notice to the other party or their attorney unless it would lead to irreparable harm.

Filing a Motion for Immediate Restraining Order in King County

To file a Motion for Immediate Restraining Order in King County, you will need to:

  1. Prepare the necessary documents, including declarations outlining why immediate relief is necessary.

  2. File the motion with the court, ensuring you follow the local rules regarding notice to the opposing party.

  3. Schedule the motion for a hearing, which may occur the same day if the situation is dire.

  4. Under current rules, you must also email the Court providing required confirmation and even set a future “return hearing” date as well.

Given the complexity of these motions and the gravity of the situations they typically address, it is crucial to ensure that all procedural requirements are followed. Any missteps could delay the court’s action, which can be dangerous in urgent situations. If you plan to handle this type of filing without an attorney, please consult the current Court rules and review all information available. This is just a high level summary and instructions through the County can provide crucial information to ensure accuracy.

Emergency Restraining Order vs. Temporary Family Law Order

You may wonder why you should file an Immediate Restraining Order instead of a Motion for a Temporary Family Law Order, which also provides temporary relief during a family law case. The key difference lies in the urgency.

A Temporary Family Law Order is suitable for issues that need resolution during the pendency of a divorce or custody case but do not require immediate intervention. These motions typically involve custody, child support, or spousal maintenance, and follow a more structured timeline with both parties given the opportunity to respond. While generally only a couple weeks’ notice are required, with the current Court scheduling system, you may not be able to schedule your motion for four to six weeks.

An Immediate Restraining Order, on the other hand, is for situations where delay could result in harm or significant hardship, such as:

  • Protecting someone from imminent danger or domestic violence.

  • Preventing a party from removing children from the state without permission.

  • Freezing assets to prevent financial destruction during a divorce.

If you are unsure whether your case qualifies for an emergency motion, it is essential to consult with an experienced family law attorney to determine the best course of action.

Hiring an Attorney for an Emergency Motion

Filing for an emergency motion in King County can be critical to protecting your rights and ensuring the safety of your family. Whether you need an immediate restraining order or a temporary family law order, the attorneys at Magnuson Lowell, P.S. can guide you through the process, ensuring your case is handled with the urgency it deserves. If you are facing a situation requiring immediate legal intervention, don’t wait—contact us today for a free telephone case evaluation - 425-800-0573

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