Magnuson Lowell Blog
Each week we post a blog about relevant legal issues. Glance through our various topics to learn more about a particular legal situation.
These articles are for limited informational purposes only and are not, nor are they intended to be, legal advice. You should not rely on this information for your case and should consult with an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation.
While the sun may be peeking its head out through the clouds, Washington will surely encounter its fair share of rain and storms over the next few months. While we all may be used to driving in the gray and sprinkling conditions native to our area, the monsoon and lightning filled sky is lesser seen. This heavy rainfall and high winds not only creates problems for the power companies, but also increases the chances of motor vehicle accidents and Personal Injury claims. According to the Federal Highway Administration, almost 25% of all accidents are caused in part by inclement weather.
In any Personal Injury lawsuit stemming from a motor vehicle accident, the Plaintiff must prove that the other driver failed to meet the standard of care of a driver in the Defendant's situation. At Magnuson Lowell, we can help you understand what this truly mean. In essence, in the case of harsh weather, the standard of care increases and drivers must be more careful to avoid car accidents. In order to meet the standard, here are some helpful driving tips: